Dr. Clara Onell



Akademisk examina

  • 2024: Doktorsexamen i vårdvetenskap, Sophiahemmet Högskola inkl. 50 högskolepoäng i fristående kurser inom bl.a. idrottsnutrition, biostatistik, epidemiologi och programmering

  • 2024: Motiverande samtal ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv I,
    Gymnastik- och Idrottshögskolan

  • 2018: Masterexamen i nutrition, Karolinska Institutet i samarbete med Stockholms universitet. Utbytestermin vid Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australien

  • 2016: Kandidatexamen i nutrition, Karolinska Institutet i samarbete med Stockholms universitet

  • 2013: Psykologi I, Stockholms universitet  


  • 2023-: Egenföretagare, Victualia AB

  • 2019-2020: Forskningsassistent, Sophiahemmet Högskola

  • 2018-2020: Nutritionist med syfte att främja hälsosamma matvanor inom slutenvårdspsykiatri, Psykiatri Sydväst

  • 2016-2018: Nutritionist och behandlingsassistent inom sluten ätstörningsvård, Mandometerklinikerna


  • Svenska (modersmål) och engelska (flytande)

Digital kompetens 

  • Sociala medier

  • Microsoft Office

  • R och R Studio (programmering) 

  • Dietist Net, Nutrition Data, m.fl. 


  • 2022-2024: Vice ordförande i Akademikerföreningen

  • 2014-2017: Styrelseledamot i Nutritionistföreningen 


  • 2024: Scandinavian Conference on Injury Prevention in Youth Sports, Stockholm (muntlig presentation)  

  • 2024: 7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco (muntlig presentation) 

  • 2023: Svensk Förening för Fysisk Aktivitet och Idrottsmedicin årsmöte, Norrköping (muntlig presentation) 

  • 2023: Scandinavian Sports Medicine Congress,
    Köpenhamn (posterpresentation) 


Avhandling och artiklar

Onell, C. (2024). Lifestyle behaviors and musculoskeletal conditions in university students and high school athletes. Sophiahemmet University Dissertations. Stockholm, Sophiahemmet: 75.

Johansson F, Edlund K, Sundgot-Borgen J, Björklund C, Côté P, Onell C, Sundberg T, Skillgate E. Sexual harassment, sexual violence and subsequent depression and anxiety symptoms among Swedish university students: a cohort study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2024 Jun 26.

Onell C, Skillgate E, Melin A, Källberg H, Waldén M, Edlund K, Hägglund M, Côté P, Asker M. Dietary habits in adolescent male and female handball players: the Swedish Handball Cohort. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2023 Dec 22;9(4):e001679. 

Johansson F, Billquist J, Andreasson H, Jensen I, Onell C, Berman AH, Skillgate E. Study environment and the incidence of mental health problems and activity-limiting musculoskeletal problems among university students: the SUN cohort study. BMJ Open. 2023 Sep 14;13(9):e072178. 

Johansson F, Rozental A, Edlund K, Côté P, Sundberg T, Onell C, Rudman A, Skillgate E. Associations Between Procrastination and Subsequent Health Outcomes Among University Students in Sweden. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Jan 3;6(1):e2249346.

Johansson F, Côté P, Onell C, Källberg H, Sundberg T, Edlund K, Skillgate E. Strengths of associations between depressive symptoms and loneliness, perfectionistic concerns, risky alcohol use and physical activity across levels of sleep quality in Swedish university students: A cross-sectional study. J Sleep Res. 2023 Apr;32(2):e13745. 

Larsson K, Onell C, Edlund K, Källberg H, Holm LW, Sundberg T, Skillgate E. Lifestyle behaviors in Swedish university students before and during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cohort study. BMC Public Health.
2022 Jun 16;22(1):1207. 

Edlund K, Sundberg T, Johansson F, Onell C, Rudman A, Holm LW, Grotle M, Jensen I, Côté P, Skillgate E. Sustainable UNiversity Life (SUN) study: protocol for a prospective cohort study of modifiable risk and prognostic factors for mental health problems and musculoskeletal pain among university students. BMJ Open. 2022 Apr 4;12(4):e056489. 

Skillgate E, Isacson Hjortzberg M, Strömwall P, Hallqvist J, Onell C, Holm LW, Bohman T. Non-Preferred Work and the Incidence of Spinal Pain and Psychological Distress-A Prospective Cohort Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Sep 24;18(19):10051. 

Holm LW, Onell C, Carlseus M, Ekwurtzel R, Holmertz O, Bohman T, Skillgate E. Vigorous regular leisure-time physical activity is associated with a clinically important improvement in back pain - a secondary analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2021 Oct 8;22(1):857. 

Onell C, Holm LW, Bohman T, Magnusson C, Lekander M, Skillgate E. Work ability and psychological distress in a working population: results from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort. Scand J Public Health. 2023 Jun;51(4):595-601. 


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